(IrnMind Mettle Monday | Wellspring Season| May 24/2021 )
/// Tawnshi fair townspeople to IrnMind Mettle Monday 🤘🏿 ~ The most brutal & beautiful way to engage /w the beginning of your week!
If you know another who would delight in any of the content contained, please share this message /w diligence 🙏🏻 If you have been bestowed this message & would be elated /w a weekly infusement of Modern Renaissance inspiration! Follow this (Inter-Dimensional Portal) ~ & peruse past editions on Medium
(I) *Brutiful Quality Quotation:
“One’s mind once stretched by an idea
Never regains its original dimensions”
~Oliver Wendell Holmes
*To mature as a human being is to continually challenge our understanding of the world. This requires courage & more importantly… curiosity. Through intentionally embracing paradigm expansion, we can do our best to adapt to a world /w ever increasing complexity, pace of change & further forge a “Modern Renaissance Mind”.
This quote has resonated /w me deeply as I work to grapple /w my own outdated notions of “how things should work” in order to be more fluid in my thinking. I have realized that often what we condemn as stupid, wrong, or are fearful of often comes down to an inability or unwillingness to understand & therefore leaves us unable to be calmpassionate /w others.
Understanding something does not mean we condone it, rather that we are searching for truth infinitum over a finite frame of right & wrong.
(II) Modern Renaissance Immersion:
Alex Grey on Creativity as a Spiritual Practice
“For through my work
Does my maker work through me”
Creativity can serve as a profound & meaningful therapeutic modality, allowing for restoration of the human spirit through art as a medium to transmute brutal essence into beauty. Art can act as a vessel for self actualization & a conduit to the grand curator above.
(III) IrnMind~Forge:
Psychedelics | The Scientific Renaissance of Mind-Altering Drugs
The only premise I would give is to watch the video /w this week’s Brutiful quote in mind.
(*Redolent Supplemental Resources)
- Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies
- How to Change Your Mind: What the New Science of Psychedelics Teaches Us About Consciousness, Dying, Addiction, Depression & Transcendence | by (Michael Pollan)
- ATMA Journey Centers
(IV) Count Your Blessings:
Vlog (Expanding Creative Capabilities)
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/// What took you down the rabbit hole? Content recommendations, Insightful Improvements, (Qu)? Let us connect! I would “All Shall Cherish” to engage through Instagram @IrnMind
To all those in the thread of the global IrnMind village who invest their time to watch & read each week ~ Thank you /w a depth of gratitude drawn from the well of my heart. Your collaboration to further the envisage of IrnMind “Forge a Modern Renaissance Mind” & my purpose to “Heal, Connect & Progress Humankind” ~ is of absolute imperative.
Together, we can work to forge a mind that is “Creative, Resilient & Therefore Adaptable”
/// Bless Up & Ardua per Bellus 🙏🏻🤘🏿