(IrnMind Mettle Monday | Wellspring Season | June 7/2021)
/// Tawnshi fair townspeople to IrnMind Mettle Monday 🤘🏿 ~ The most brutal & beautiful way to engage /w the beginning of your week!
If you know another who would delight in any of the content contained, please share this message /w diligence 🙏🏻 If you have been bestowed this message, & would be elated /w a weekly infusement of Modern Renaissance inspiration! Follow this (Inter-Dimensional Portal) to subscribe ~ & peruse past editions on Medium
(I) *Brutiful Quality Quotation:
“This is our birthright ~ the wisdom /w which we were born, the vast unfolding display of primordial richness, primordial openness & primordial wisdom itself”
~Pema Chodron
(II) Passage to (Ponder/Journal) Upon:
Taken from: Radical Intuition | by (Kim Chestney)
[Intuition itself is a conduit that allows communication between the macro & the micro, the eternal & the temporal, the universal & the personal. This individual expression of the universe gives us the opportunity to co-create alongside the universe.
We create one another, we create love, we create ideas & beauty & destruction (*Brutiful) & change. We create all the wonder, chaos, order ~ just as the universe does. Stars are born & they die, entanglement particles love at a distance, gravity pulls us together, dark matter pushes us apart, black holes destroy everything & explode to create everything.
In the pageantry of life ~ we are all interconnected.]
(Qu)? *I’m curious to know what your philosophical interpretation of this may be, or if it resonates /w you in some profound fashion? If
Take some time to reflect on this for yourself.
(III) Modern Renaissance Reading:
How The Science of Awe Shaped Pixar’s “Soul”
The movie itself is an epic portrayal of the sublime moments in life & this article delves into the scientific foundation of just why that is so.
A brief portion of the Article:
“Awe is the feeling we experience when encountering vast things that we don’t understand. Around the world and in culturally varying ways, studies show, we experience awe in response to others’ kindness and courage, nature, music, religious or spiritual practice, the visual and dramatic arts, and epiphany. We sense awe in our bodies in the chills, tears, and the chest-warming sense of being part of something larger than our egos. It leads us to share, collaborate & wonder. In experiences of awe, people often speak as if they have found their soul.”
My last experience of awe & something that is extremely befitting given the subject nature of “Soul” was watching an improvised drum solo by the legendary Jazz drummer Larnell Lewis. Mouth agape & eyes wide. I was deeply humbled, astonished & awe struck/w an overwhelming sense of appreciation for the beauty & mastery of what human beings are capable of.
(*Redolent Supplemental Resource)
(IV) Count Your Blessings:
Vlog (Patient Awe)
*Encounter Vastness & Experience Transcendence
Vastness Expands our paradigms of what we understand is possible & gives us a broader perspective
Transcendence is when grapple /w the ideas of the vastness & work to make sense of them through incorporation into our frame of mind
Being patient is allowing this to unfold in due time
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
/// What took you down the rabbit hole? Content recommendations, Insightful Improvements, (Qu)? Let us connect! I would “All Shall Cherish” to engage through Instagram @IrnMind
To all those in the thread of the global IrnMind village who invest their time to watch & read each week ~ Thank you /w a depth of gratitude drawn from the well of my heart. Your collaboration to further the envisage of IrnMind “Forge a Modern Renaissance Mind” & my purpose to “Heal, Connect & Progress Humankind” ~ is of absolute imperative.
Together, we can work to forge a mind that is “Creative, Resilient & Therefore Adaptable”
/// Bless Up & Ardua per Bellus 🙏🏻🤘🏿