(IrnMind Mettle Monday | Season of Stillness | October 26/2020)
/// Tawnshi Faire Townspeople, Ladies & Djentlemen ~ To IrnMind Mettle Monday🤘🏿 The most #Brutiful way to Engage /w the beginning of your week!
(I) *Brutiful Quality Quotation:
Should a seeker not find a companion who is better or equal, let them resolutely pursue a solitary course”
I have resolved to have delayed gratification towards finding a romantic partner who compliments my path & purpose.
To those who are navigating the relationship landscape, my advice would be this.
Work on creating a life you love & doing meaningful work.
Keep growing yourself consistently & refining your character & along the way, be open.
Do things you love, & learn to love dating yourself.
Place yourself into situations that invite human connection & in due time, that special person will come into your life.
(II) IrnMind~Forge:
How meditation can change your life and mind | Sam Harris, Jon Kabat-Zinn & more | Big Think
Excerpt from Description:
“There are a lot of misconceptions when it comes to what mindfulness is and what meditation can do for those who practice it. In this video, professors, neuroscientists, psychologists, composers, authors, and a former Buddhist monk share their experiences, explain the science behind meditation, and discuss the benefits of learning to be in the moment.”
Suppose you are not doing some form of mindfullness or meditation practice in the maelstrom of distraction & complexity that is our modern world. In which case, you are not operating at nearly the level of peace & capacity you could be. Imagine opening a new internet browser tab in your mind every day for your entire life & never closing them… that is precisely how most people live. Meditation allows you to close those tabs one at a time & create a baseline of calm.
Distill to Doable & start some form of practice today!
(III) Modern Renaissance Immersion:
A Simple Life | Green Renaissance | Inspiring Change, Together | Green Renaissance & Through the Storm
These short documentaries resonate deeply /w how I look to cultivate my life & the values I work to embody. As a bonus, they are also a supreme example of the Modern Renaissance we find ourselves in the midst of ~ & we have only just begun.
I have become a Patron of Green Renaissance as part of the philanthropy envisage I wish to cast for supporting creators looking to progress humanity in a positive light. If you so feel inclined, please follow the link below to see how you can support the creation of their future content 🙏🏾
(IV) Brutiful Struggle:
Vlog #34 (Craving a Simple Life)
(*Redolent Supplemental Resource)
Excerpt from Description:
“Living Simple is a short documentary about Vince McIntyre, a Canadian farmer who is preserving a way of life from a bygone age. Despite the challenges, Vince is farming without machinery, inspired by techniques he observed as a boy in post-war Ireland. Vince shares his experience of working with the land and why he still believes in doing so and expresses his views on the world.”
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/// If you know another human being who would delight in any of the content contained, please share this message /w diligence. If you have been bestowed this message, & would revel in an weekly Infusement of Modern Renaissance Inspiration /w a Dose of Métis Polymath Paradigm Expansion ~ Please follow this (Inter-Dimensional Portal)
What took you down the rabbit hole? Content recommendations, Insightful Improvements, Questions? Let us connect! I would “All Shall Cherish” to engage through Instagram @IrnMind ~ Send a Dm, or tag & use the #IrnMindMettleMonday
To all those in the thread of the global IrnMind village who invest their time to watch & read each week, thank you /w a depth of gratitude drawn from the well of my heart. Your collaboration to further my purpose to 💡 “Inspire & Serve” & the (Ikigai) of IrnMind ~ Forge a Modern Renaissance Mind ~ is of absolute imperative. Together, we can work to forge a mind that is creative, resilient & therefore adaptable through adversity.
/// Bless Up & Ardua per Bellus 🙏🏾🤘🏿

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Or in more eloquent phrasing
*Affiliate Link Disclosure ~ Investments made Through a Myriad of Links Give IrnMind a Financial Infusement, & Allow for the Creation of Higher Quality Future Content