IrnMind Mettle Monday | Season of Sowing | January 20/2020

4 min readOct 30, 2020

(IrnMind Mettle Monday)(Season of Sowing ~ January 20/2020)

Tawnshi fair Townspeople, Ladies & Djentlemen, to IrnMind Metal MondayšŸ¤˜šŸæ The most #Brutiful way to Engage /w the start of your week!

(I) *Brutiful Quality Quotation:

ā€œEmbrace the past, accept the present, forge the futureā€ ~Polymath Proverb

This was a personal mantra that came to me during a period of reflection. In its simplicity, there is yet deep meaning to be found through oneā€™s own interpretation. My interpretation is as follows;

Embrace the past & all that it has done to shape who you are, the good & the bad. Accept the present, it is our reality & to ignore it is to lose integrity, recognize the gift that we are given in each moment of life. Forge the future, because your vision is cast from the fires of your heart, & fixed in the faculties of the mind.

(II) Modern Renaissance Vernacular:

You may have noticed that the title of the email this week has changed. That is because as I look to build ā€œIrnMindā€ ~ I am constantly looking to shape it so it may better serve to ā€œForge a Modern Renaissance Mindā€. As mental resilience is one of the core pillars of IrnMind, I think it only fitting that the banner of this weekly email be renovated to reflect that.

As ā€œHumanismā€ is one of the core tenants of the ā€Modern Renaissanceā€ & an ā€œAge of Enlightenmentā€, I want ā€œMettle Mondayā€ to embody as much as possible the qualities that unite us in our common humanity.

However, I want to be clear that Metal music & the philosophy I am continuing to develop around it are still a major wellspring from which I will draw from. As you read the passage below, I think it will become evident how the title change reflects the perfect mantle /w which to crown the encompassing content.

*Mettle: Root (English) from ā€œMetalā€ & specialized to ā€œMettleā€ in the 16th century.

Oneā€™s ability to cope well /w adversity & to move/struggle through a demanding situation in a spirited & resilient manner.

Eloquent sentence: That human being had an infusement of indomitable ā€œMettleā€ interwoven into the fabric of their temperament.

(III) Renaissance Mindforge:

How to be a Genius | Leonardo da Vinciā€™s 5 Rules

Leonardo da Vinci was the OG ā€œRenaissance Manā€, learn 5 of the foundation qualities that made him who he was, & reflect on how they may be applied to your own life. My personal favorite out of the collection is ā€œcollaborationā€ ~ collaboration is the currency of the future ~ therefore leveraging ā€œGroup Geniusā€. I know that all the greatest opportunities that lay ahead of me will be working /w incredible people to make manifest, meaningful works. I see IrnMind as a collaboration /w each & every individual who gives their time & energy to watch & read each week. You are part of my ā€œBandā€ & a greater global collective Village. Your feedback is taken /w great consideration towards tailoring quality content & I value all constructive & genuine suggestions. Letā€™s architect something of significance together.

If you are so inclined, you may also procure a copy of the masterfully written biography ā€œLeonardo da Vinciā€ by (Walter Isaacson)

(IV) Count Your Blessings:

Vlog #7 (Count Your Blessings)

(V) Profound (Qu)? to Ponder/Journal Upon:

(What is my purpose?) ~ & if I know my purpose, how may I progress it through my daily habits?


/// If you know another human being who would delight in any of the content contained, please share this message /w diligence. If you have been bestowed this message, & would revel in an weekly Infusement of Modern Renaissance Inspiration /w a Dose of MĆ©tis Polymath Paradigm Expansion ~ Please follow this (Inter-Dimensional Portal)

What took you down the rabbit hole? Content recommendations, Insightful Improvements, Questions? Let us connect! I would love to engage through Instagram @IrnMind ~ Tag me & use the #IrnMindMettleMonday

To all those in the thread of the global IrnMind who invest their time to watch & read each week, thank you, /w a depth of gratitude drawn from the well of my heart. Your collaboration to further my purpose to šŸ’” ā€œInspire & Serveā€ & the (Ikigai) of IrnMind ~ Forge a Modern Renaissance Mind ~ is of absolute imperative. Together, we can work to forge a mind that is creative, resilient & therefore adaptable through adversity.

/// Marsee & Ardua per Bellus šŸ™šŸ¾šŸ¤˜šŸæ

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IrnMind is a Progressive Media Enterprise whoā€™s Envisage is to ā€œForge a Modern Renaissance Mindā€