IrnMind Mettle Monday | Season of Sowing | February 24/2020

4 min readOct 31, 2020

(IrnMind Mettle Monday)(Season of Sowing ~ February 24/2020)

Tawnshi fair Townspeople, Ladies & Djentlemen, to IrnMind Mettle Monday🤘🏿 The most #Brutiful way to Engage /w the start of your week!

(I) *Brutiful Quality Quotation:

“When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves” -Viktor Frankl (Mans Search for Meaning)

This aligns in complete accordance /w the knowledge, that all that one perceives as an external barrier, is in fact an internal barrier /w-in oneself. We are then challenged to define the reality of our situation & therefore to meet our circumstances /w greater integrity.

We have very little control over the world around us, yet we have a great deal of control over the world /w-in us & how we choose to engage that world. Rather than giving in to frustration ~ which leads to suffering ~ choose to grapple /w weaving your own thread of virtue & character.

(II) Documentary of Delight:

(MADE in JAPAN — Ishikawa & Gifu Craftsmanship Film)

“Shokunin” — A skilled craftsman who makes objects partly or entirely by hand

Over the last few years, I have become enamored /w Japan & the obsession towards craftsmanship interwoven into the fabric of their culture. I am looking to do an architectural apprenticeship at some point in Japan, focused primarily around wooden structure & Japan’s particular “Wabi-Sabi” aged aesthetic.

This documentary revealed the exact region I need to make a pilgrimage to ~ which was a highly fortuitous find. I was deeply engaged through this entire documentary as it inspired awe & a state of flow. What I appreciate most about this film is the showcasing of high caliber craft combined /w seamless cinematography, forming a compelling & captivating narrative that I wish lasted hours longer.

As we move back towards an apprenticeship model & adopting it into industries that have not utilized it traditionally, I feel human beings will yield a far more tangible sense of satisfaction to learning any trade or profession. Moving into the Modern Renaissance, understand that how you vote /w your dollar will make a large impact ~ look to purchase fewer high-quality goods that will last a lifetime if cared for properly.

(III) Emerging Artisan Spotlight:

“Eonia” the solo project & brainchild of Gabriel Smith

Before we get into some background, I would like to delve into the first official offering, “Longevity” from this incredibly talented young artist. What came to mind on my initial listen of the track was “Atmosphere”. The mixing & mastering, all of which was done in his home studio resulted in elegant layers /w which to investigate further through multiple listens. As the track progresses, the bridging breakdowns add texture, before leading into my favored feature of the track, which is the solo starting at 2:35, creating a melodic clean & crisp winters day ending.

Drawing inspiration from metalcore titans such as “Erra” & “August Burns Red” Gabriel has put forth a solid first effort. Not to mention he only picked up a guitar for the first time in 2017…

As for the future, Gabe says “For about a year I’ve been writing a bunch of demos and my goal for this year is re-record and mix my best ideas and release an EP this summer. I can’t wait to show this new material to everyone and make my ideas become reality.”

*As a bonus, a stunning vocal version was also recently uploaded & I would highly suggest immersing in both listening experiences

Check out the vocal version on Spotify or the instrumental on YouTube

(IV) Brutiful Learning Opportunity as of Late:

Vlog #11 (Struggle “Through” Beauty)

(V) Profound (Qu)? to Ponder/Journal Upon:

*What if this were simple?

This is a question that has revolutionized the way I approach all projects & facets of my life. It has allowed me to implement & build new habits, as well as to cut down what can manifest as an overwhelming complexity of process into actionable & approachable steps. I suggest asking this question when looking to build or renovate any behavior.

For Instance, this article “How to Configure Your iPhone to Work for You, Not Against You” adds “Longevity” & simplicity to the layout of your phone.


/// If you know another human being who would delight in any of the content contained, please share this message /w diligence. If you have been bestowed this message, & would revel in an weekly Infusement of Modern Renaissance Inspiration /w a Dose of Métis Polymath Paradigm Expansion ~ Please follow this (Inter-Dimensional Portal)

What took you down the rabbit hole? Content recommendations, Insightful Improvements, Questions? Let us connect! I would love to engage through Instagram @IrnMind ~ Tag me & use the #IrnMindMettleMonday

To all those in the thread of the global IrnMind who invest their time to watch & read each week, thank you, /w a depth of gratitude drawn from the well of my heart. Your collaboration to further my purpose to 💡 “Inspire & Serve” & the (Ikigai) of IrnMind ~ Forge a Modern Renaissance Mind ~ is of absolute imperative. Together, we can work to forge a mind that is creative, resilient & therefore adaptable through adversity.

/// Marsee & Ardua per Bellus 🙏🏾🤘🏿

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IrnMind is a Progressive Media Enterprise who’s Envisage is to “Forge a Modern Renaissance Mind”