(IrnMind Mettle Monday | Season of Sowing | February 1/2021 )
/// Tawnshi Fair Townspeople to IrnMind Mettle Monday🤘🏿 ~ The Most #Brutiful Way to Engage /w the Beginning of Your Week!
If you know another who would delight in any of the content contained, please share this message /w diligence. If you have been bestowed this message, & would revel in a weekly Infusement of Modern Renaissance Inspiration! Please follow this (Inter-Dimensional Portal) ~ & Peruse past Seasons on Medium
(I) *Provocative Quality Quotation:
“The hurrier I go, the behinder I get”
A mantra I have been using when learning a new skill is “Slow down, do it again”. It has reminded me to be more present /w my life & work, to not rush & allow for clarity to arise from a measured pace of sustained effort.
Too often we put our heads down, unawares of the world around us, & the beauty that passes us by, we do not stop to take stock of our course & as a consequence are situated farther from our destination ~ or completely lost altogether.
Heed this timeless quote, be more observant of the steps you take & the seeds you sow this season.
Psilocybin, Love & the Meaning of Life
So much that troubles us in life & keeps us in oppression, is due to a lack of love & genuine connection /w ourselves. When we can reconnect /w that lost sense of genuine self, we are freed to operate in the world as whole human beings once again.
After an experience over the Christmas break, I was able to surrender a barrier to expressing love for others that had been holding me back since childhood. I have always been physically affectionate, I love to hug & even kiss on the cheek my best friends. I had been working on being able to express this side of myself more, but had still been holding back because of the story told to me as a developing young man that to express any form of physical affection to another man is “gay”.
Because of my experience, I am more than ever able to express & embrace the way I naturally show love, while also being more conscious of the ways that others give & receive it as well.
(*Redolent Supplemental Resource)
(III)Music to Immerse in Listening:
The Passage of Time | Liquid Tension Experiment 3
After 22 years… the long awaited 3rd full length album from the progressive metal supergroup is upon us. This is one of the bands that sparked my obsession /w progressive music at a tender young age & I feel beyond blessed to be able to have this track fuel an immense amount of inspiration for this season & the year to come.
It’s not often that a piece of music moves you emotionally to another plane of consciousness, however, “The Passage of Time” is an emotive masterpiece, one of those rare songs that evokes a timeless sentiment ~ & transcends self. I invite you to take some time this week & Immerse 🌊🎼
(IV) Brutiful Learning as of Late:
Vlog (Sowing Seeds of Self Mastery )
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/// What took you down the rabbit hole? Content recommendations, Insightful Improvements, Questions? Let us Connect! I would “All Shall Cherish” to Engage through Instagram @IrnMind ~ Send a dm, or tag & use the #IrnMindMettleMonday
To all those in the thread of the global IrnMind village who invest their time to watch & read each week ~ Thank you /w a depth of gratitude drawn from the well of my heart. Your collaboration to further the (Ikigai) of IrnMind ~ Forge a Modern Renaissance Mind ~ is of absolute imperative.
Together, we can work to forge a mind that is creative, resilient & therefore adaptable through adversity.
/// Bless Up & Ardua per Bellus 🙏🏾🤘🏿