(IrnMind Mettle Monday | Royalty Season | August 23/2021)
/// Tawnshi fair townspeople to IrnMind Mettle Monday🤘🏿 ~ The most brutal & beautiful way to engage /w the beginning of your week!
If you know another who would delight in any of the content contained, please share this message /w diligence 🙏🏻 & if you would be elated /w a weekly curated Infusement of Modern Renaissance Inspiration! Please follow this (Inter-Dimensional Portal) to subscribe ~ & peruse past editions on Medium
(I) *Salient Seasonal Quotation:
“The fool digs /w a hammer
The wise /w a (Qu)?”
~Modern Renaissance Proverb
I have been reflecting recently on the difference between power & force. When engaging /w others in confrontation I have done my best to ask (Qu)? from a place of curiosity & learned that this is far more powerful than forcing preconceived notions on another in order to get my desired outcome.
An instance has been through my romantic pursuit of a woman I have come to call my “Angel of Death Metal”. I am learning to be patient, allowing her the time she needs to feel comfortable & in doing so am realizing that to be patient is far more powerful than trying to force a relationship at any other pace than organic. This has come through consistent (Qu)? not only /w her, but also /w myself.
We can unearth so much more from ourselves & others when we are patient & curious enough to ask (Qu)? ~ a notion I admittedly have fallen short of far too often.
(II) Modern Renaissance Reading:
The Artist Life of Jean Michel Basquiat
A short expose into the life of an artistic genius.
Jean Michel has been a large inspiration as of late to explore the childish & playful side of my art using crayons.
I have even adopted the symbolism of the crown to adorn my own artwork
(III) Music to Immerse in Listening:
Mozart Piano Concerto №20 in D Minor
I discovered this track during a writing session that included (Nikka Coffee Grain Whiskey) amidst the soothing sound of pouring rain just outside my studio table.
The piano rings like a musical storm, relentless yet gentle in its melodic composition. I find myself fascinated & drawn into its beauty through each listen.
It has also furthered my desire to understand musical theory in order to deconstruct & cultivate a greater appreciation of the music I listen to.
I invite you to invest some time in yourself today, perchance /w a libation of choice & ~ Immerse 🌊🎼
(IV) Such Brutal, Much Beauty:
Vlog ~ (The Majesty of Perspective)
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/// What took you down the rabbit hole? Content recommendations? (Qu)? Let us connect! I would “All Shall Cherish” to engage through Instagram ~ Twitter ~ TikTok & YouTube
To all those in the thread of the global IrnMind village who invest their time to watch & read each week ~ thank you /w a depth of gratitude drawn from the well of my heart. Your collaboration to further the envisage of IrnMind “Forge a Modern Renaissance Mind” is of absolute imperative & together, we can work to cultivate a mind that is “Creative, Resilient & Therefore Adaptable”
/// Bless Up & Ardua per Bellus 🙏🏻🤘🏿